Wednesday, February 9, 2011

LB# 15 Project-based Learning and Multimedia: What Is It?

This project-based leaning and multimedia is a combination of learning resources to make our teaching as concrete as we can so abstractions will be clear and meaningful.

Project-based multimedia learning involves the whole class, whether in groups or as a whole. If the students understand what output is to be expected of their project, they actively participate and each student contributes to the completion of the project. The teacher can only set the goals to be achieved by the students by the end of the project and supervise them.

Students are developed greatly in many aspects. Cooperation and camaraderie among classmates, decision making skills, research skills, technical skills, intellect, imagination, creativity, responsibility, time management and more are developed. Throughout the process, the student also learns the lesson in a way that he/she won't forget as it was a participative learning process. The students learn and enjoy at the same time.
LB# 14 Maximizing the Use of the Overhead Projector and the Chalkboard

We've known the chalkboard since nursery and even in offices, chalkboards are used. It is a very helpful tool especially in schools that do not have computers, televisions and the like. There are tips on using the chalkboard to make it and effective learning tool.
- writing clearly and legibly can allow students sitting in the last rows to read what you're writing.
- be prepared on what to write on the board
- use colored chalk to highlight key points
- write on the board while still facing the class. You don't have to turn your back on your students while writing on the board.
- while students are copying their notes from the board, try to walk around and see your board work from all corners of the classroom to see its visibility
- check for glares from fluorescent bulbs and windows.
- use the chalkboard to its full potential.
LB# 13 Teaching with Visual Symbols

Visual symbols make up for real things when we're in the classroom and when computers and televisions are not available. The visual aids are what helps the students understand what the lesson is all about. The are different kinds of visual symbols. These include drawings, cartoons, strip drawings, diagrams, charts, graphs and maps.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

LB# 12

Film,Video,T.V. are medium of communication. It is a more accessible and less cumbersome to use. Students today tend to be an inquisitive learners. They wants vivid pictures,innovative teaching and fun learning.Television is one of the current source of learning. We can have an update news,and educational learning through a discovery channel. That's why E-TV in school is being implemented by the policy makers because it can help the teachers in elaborating his lesson. But before conducting the activity,teacher should inform the students about the lesson objectives to ensure learning objectives.
LB # 11 Making the Most of Community Resources and Field Trips

Field trips helps the students to be expose and aware of the society which can be a learning that lasts. Experience is the best learning and not only on the book written.Going outside the community in searching for more knowledge and information beyond the classroom is what we called field trips. Before conducting field trip,it should have preparations and planning. Setting of the objectives,permission of the concerned personnel,safetiness of the students,transportation and purpose of the trip should be given an emphasis.To picture out a complete learning achievements,teachers should discuss the objectives to the students to ensure that the community resources are use for learning,not just for fun. For them to arouse their curiosity in sensing the real world that could widen their horizon of being a student.

Friday, February 4, 2011


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