LB# 6 Using and Evaluating Instructional Materials
In the selection of instructional materials using the cone of experience we must consider a guidelines or criteria because not all instructional materials are helpful to children. Some of instructional materials are harmful and does not do good in them. Evaluation of this instructional materials before giving to class is a must so that learning objectives will be achieve. Some of the criteria that are use to name a few is that "be the materials contribute meaningful content to the topic under study? and "Is the material appropriate for the age, intelligence, and experience of the learners? of course we must consider answering this criteria before using such instructional materials. What's the use of the materials if it does not connect with the content to the topic under study or it does not fit with the age, intelligence and experience of the learner or students. It will only result to misconception and misunderstanding to students. Instead they will learn they might be confuse and ignore all the instructional materials you are presenting. It must be evaluated and selected before using to students the proper use of materials also is important we must prepare ourself, prepare our student, present the material and follow up to find out if instructional objective was attained or not. As the passage says, "What you plant is what you harvest" meaning to say if you exert effort to critically examined and systematically follow every process and details judiciously then you will produce and bring out good things and learnings to your students.
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